
With the start of this new page, I now concurrently manage 4 separate personal blogs:

  1. Original personal blog: started during my undergrad years and is now almost 10 years old. This is on the diaryland platform and has the largest readership out of all my blogs. I’ve pulled back the kind of information that I reveal since blogging can affect one’s work and personal life. Now, I only post here what I wouldn’t mind telling the world.
  2. Running blog: This just tracks my daily workouts and weekend races on LiveJournal. I don’t think anyone reads this besides myself, because who wants to read about my weekly track workouts and the time I almost (accidentally) spit on an elite runner trying to pass me?
  3. Special project blog: My friends and I wanted a way to track the new bars that we visited this year, since last year, I realized that we were in a rut, always going to the same places. Yes, this goal conflicts with my current b-school goals, so activity has died down significantly since the beginning of the year. This one’s on blogspot.
  4. So now, I have a b-school applicant blog, because I don’t want to bore everyone else with my b-school anxieties and progress. So, in keeping with my multi-blog platform, this one’s on a completely different tool: WordPress.

Something I need to stay away from: Business Week forums (it is amazing how inadequate I feel after going through these). I need to will myself to stay away, as it serves no other purpose than to make me neurotic with self-doubt.

1 Response so far »

  1. 1

    Philippedes said,

    Little curious, what’s your running blog? I am newly obsessed abt running. No I haven’t qualified for Boston Marathon yet. I am one of those couch potatoes to fitness freak converts!

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